Show 4 (10/12/21)

Jesus was is Involved in Politics!



  • In our forth show, we interview author, apologist and engineer, Neil Mammen as he lays out the plain truth of the scriptures showing that Jesus was quite involved in the politics of his day and what that means 2000 years later for those who follow him.

Neil Mammen, a non-hyphenated first generation American immigrant, is an Engineer during the day and an Apologist at night. As an engineer, he spends his time designing video and networking systems, computer chips and boards with TentmakerSystems.com and other US and international engineering companies.

Neil was born in Ghana and grew up in Sudan and Yemen. He came to the U.S. for college and at 20 earned his BSEE in Computer and Electrical Engineering; at 22 he earned his MSEE in Solid State Physics and Computer Engineering. Neil has co-founded four startup companies in Silicon Valley. He has about 20 issued and pending patents in areas varying from Networking, Traffic Shaping, and Packet Processing to LED Local Dimming TV methodologies.

Neil is the cofounder of Every Black Life Matters, the non-marxist, Biblical alternative to BLM that is focussed on actually solving the issues of black plight. Neil is also the founder of NoBlindFaith.com, an apologetics, theology and evangelization ministry. Apologetics is the investigation and defense of the truth of Christianity using facts, reason, science, history, archaeology, and philosophy. Neil is a speaker at conferences around the U.S. He has been featured on: NPR debating Eric Rothschild of the ACLU and Eugenie Scott; and on over 40 radios and TV shows including the Eric Metaxas, show, the Bob Dutko Show, the Lars Larson Show, American Family Radio and on KKLA with Frank Pastore. He is on the board of the Values Advocacy Council and has spoken for the Family Research Council as well as Summit Ministries.

Neil’s Daily Jesus and Politics One Minute Broadcast can be heard on 160 stations around the U.S. on AFR radio. To hear them online visit www.J3IP.WordPress.com

Some of Neil’s blogs can be found at www.CrossExamined.org. and www.NeilMammen.WordPress.com

Neil can be scheduled as a teacher/speaker for conferences, church services, universities or retreats, anywhere in the world. Topics include Apologetics, Theology and Christian engagement in politics: speaking@NoBlindFaith.com

Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women are giving a free online class Oct 21 Critical Race Theory for school board candidates and community members.

 www.SVARW.com great ppt and talking points against CRT, many resources for those wanting to run for office. 


Guardians of youth is a newly formed Santa Cruz County community based grass-roots effort to bring concerned parents, students and community members together standing for freedom of choice against mandates especially geared toward student life and the local school system. They believe vaccination choices are a freedom of choice not through coercion. They are not a political party.  Not anti-vaxers.  Not terrorists.

Upcoming events for Guardians of Youth:

This is a state wide and local event-Monday Oct 18th student walkout.  For information on the Oct 18th event   www.schoolwalkout.org  Monday Oct 18, 2021  teachers, educators, students and parents are standing for freedom of choice against mandates.  Why walk out on Monday Oct 18th?  Because the CA mandates require educators to vax, test or be removed from work on that day.  Many educators will quit or move out of CA.  When the mandates hit for children in January there will be no one to stand with parents and children. 

Tuesday Oct 19th Siltan Park , Scotts Valley next Tuesday 5:30PM at the Picnic Area.  Organizational and informational meeting for Guardians of Youth

Thursday Oct 21  Gathering at 4PM County of Education Board Meeting 400 Ensinal St.  Please get there early to protest mandates on students.

Information on Co-vid 19 therapeutics by Los Gatos physican.

Dr. Richard Fox, MD is a Pediatrics Specialist in Los Gatos and has over 46 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School in 1975. As a pediatric pulmonologists Dr. Fox treats ailments of the lungs and respiratory system in children.

What you will not find is that Dr. Fox is a liberty loving Republican and has written an article on this COVID-19 webpage: http://covidrx4us.com

This article has an expanded list of covid-19 preventative ingredients to take daily and other information. 

Link to a talk about the book by Neil Mammon

The Kansas Jesus Is Involved In Politics presentation with Neil Mammen  Kansas City presentation of book

Values Advocacy Council in San Jose (www.vac.org

Family Research Council http://www.frc.org. 

Recall effort of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors https://www.recallsantaclara.com

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